Displaying 19021 - 19040 of 19174
Project Number | Project | Description | Last Reviewed |
OG 03-062 | Rock Creek Gardens |
Alterations to window wells |
(CFA Meeting - OG Appendix) |
OG 03-058 | Bistro Francais Restaurant |
Awning and sign |
(CFA Meeting - OG Appendix) |
OG 03-051 | Residence |
New board fences and repair of gate |
(CFA Meeting - OG Appendix) |
OG 03-050 | Residence |
New board fence |
(CFA Meeting - OG Appendix) |
OG 03-049 | Residence |
Replacement board fence |
(CFA Meeting - OG Appendix) |
OG 03-034 | Eagle Building |
Alterations to storefronts for new building |
(CFA Meeting - OG Appendix) |
OG 02-328 | Vailstar Catering |
Banner sign - existing |
(CFA Meeting - OG Appendix) |
OG 02-289 | Tudor Place |
Sign scheme |
(CFA Meeting - OG Appendix) |
CFA 19/DEC/02-7 | National Park Service Lincoln Memorial |
The Martin Luther King, Jr., "I Have A Dream" speech commemorative plaque. (Previous: CFA 19/SEP/02-2) |
(CFA Meeting - Agenda) |
CFA 19/DEC/02-6 | U.S. General Services Administration J. Edgar Hoover Building, Federal Bureau of Investigation |
Vestibule addition to the northeast lobby entrance |
(CFA Meeting - Agenda) |
CFA 19/DEC/02-5 | U.S. General Services Administration Eisenhower Executive Office Building (EEOB), formerly the Old Executive Office Building (OEOB) |
Installation of bollards along the curb of 17th Street |
(CFA Meeting - Agenda) |
CFA 19/DEC/02-4 | U.S. Department of the Treasury, U.S. Mint Fifty Statues circulation/commemorative quarter program for 2004 |
Design for the 27th state: Florida. (Previous: CFA 21/MAR/02-5) |
(CFA Meeting - Agenda) |
CFA 19/DEC/02-3 | U.S. Department of the Treasury, U.S. Mint 2003 American Eagle Platinum Proof coin |
Reverse design. (Previous: see CFA 19/OCT/00-4 for the 2001 and 2002 coins) |
(CFA Meeting - Agenda) |
CFA 19/DEC/02-2 | D.C. Public Schools, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers McKinley Technical Senior High School |
Phase III, Egress stair and elevated walkway addition |
(CFA Meeting - Agenda) |
CFA 19/DEC/02-1 | D.C. Public Schools Brightwood Elementary School |
Renovation and additions. (Previous: CFA 19/SEP/02-15) |
(CFA Meeting - Agenda) |
SL 03-019 | D.C. Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs Freedom Forum/Newseum |
New mixed use building to house the Newseum |
(CFA Meeting - Agenda) |
SL 03-029 | Residence |
Window Replacement |
(CFA Meeting - SL Appendix) |
SL 03-028 | Residence |
Front entry renovation and new rear door |
(CFA Meeting - SL Appendix) |
SL 03-027 | Archives Restaurants; Stacks |
Awning addition and replacement |
(CFA Meeting - SL Appendix) |
SL 03-026 | St. Mark's Episcopal Church |
New sign |
(CFA Meeting - SL Appendix) |