10:00 A.M. CONVENE, Suite 312, 401 F Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001-2728
Administration of oath of office to Diana Balmori and Earl A Powell, III.
Approval of minutes:
15 May 2008
Dates of next meetings:
17 July 2008
18 September 2008
16 October 2008
Confirmation of three recommendations from the May 2008 meeting after the loss of a quorum:
CFA 15/MAY/08-7, Deanwood Recreation Center, new building
CFA 15/MAY/08-10, Kennedy Recreation Center, mural column
O.G. 08-159, Georgetown University, new science center building
Motion to acknowledge 12 years of service by Mary Oehrlein, FAIA, on the Old Georgetown Board.